Security of MAC
Def. Message Authentication Code
A MAC scheme is an efficiently computable function
M: {0,1}l x {0,1}*→{0,1}n
where k is the key, m is the message and t is the tag.
Remark. MAC schemes are used for porivding (symmetric-key) data integrity and data origin authentication.
Applications of MAC
- To provide data integrity and data origin authentication:
- Alice and Bob establish a secret key k∈{0,1}l
- Alice computes t=M(k,m) and sends (m,t) to Bob
- Bob verifies that t=M(k,m)
- To avoid reply, add a timestamp, or sequence number
- Widely used in communication protocols
- No confidentiality or non-repudiation
Def. MAC Security
Assume the adveersary knows everything about the MAC scheme except the key k. A MAC scheme is secure if
(interaction) given some number of MAC tags M(k,m
i) for messages m
i chosen adaptively by the adversary,
(computational resources) it is computationally infeasible
(goal) to compute (with non-negligible probability of success) the value of M(k,m) for any m≠m
In other words, a MAC scheme is secure if it is existentially unforgeable against chosen-message attack.
Remarks. Secure MACs as of 2024:
- Poly1305-ChaCha20
Generic Attacks
- Guessing the MAC of a message m:
- Select y∈{0,1}n and guess that M(k,m)=y
- Assuming that M(k,.) is a random function, the probability of success is (1/2)n
- Depending on the application where the MAC algorithm is employed, one could choose n as small as 32. In general, n≥128 is preferred.
- Exhausitive search on the key space:
- Given r known message/MAC pairs: (m1,t1),...,(mr,tr), one can check whether a guess k of the key is correct by verifying that M(k,mi)=ti for i=1,2,...,r
- Assuming that M(k,.) is a random function, the expected number of keys for which the tags verify is K = 2l/2nr
ex) If the key is 56-bit, the output is 64-bit and we have two message/MAC pairs, then K≈1/272
- Requires ≈2l computations
- It is infeasible if l≥128.
Constructing MACs
MACs based on Block Ciphers
- Let E be a n-bit block cipher with key space {0,1}l
- To compute M(k,m):
- Divide (padded) m into n-bit blocks m1,...,mr
- Compute H1=E(k,m1)
- For 2 ≤ i ≤ r, Hi=E(k,Hi-1⊕mi)
- M(k,m)=Hr
- e.x) DES CBC-MAC (with l=56, n=64)
- Was widely used in banking applications
- ANSI x9.9: Finanical institution message authentication (wholesale)
- ANSI x9.19: Financial institution message authentication (retail)
Security of CBC-MAC
Informal statement of the theorem [Bellare, Kilian & Rogaway 1994]:
Suppose that E is an "ideal" encryption scheme. (that is, for each k∈{0,1}l, Ek:{0,1}n→{0,1}n is a random permuation). Then CBC-MAC with fixed-length inputs is a secure MAC algorithm.
CBC-MAC is not secure if variable length messages are allowed.
Chosen message attack on CBC-MAC
- Let m1 be an n-bit block.
- Let (m1,t1) be a known message/MAC pair.
- Request the MAC t2 of the message t1. Then t2 is also the MAC of the 2-block message (m1,0) since t2=Ek(Ek(m1))
2. Encrypted CBC-MAC (EMAC)
- Encrypt the last block under a secret key s:
where Hr is the output of CBC-MAC.
- e.x) ANSIx9.19 specifies that
Security of EMAC
Informal statement of the theorem [Petrank & Rackoff 2000]:
Suppose that E is an "ideal" encryption scheme. Then EMAC is a secure MAC algorithm for inputs of any length.
3. Hash-based MAC (HMAC)
Hash function