From the key k, derive h+1 round keys k0, k1, ..., kh via the key schedule.
Encryption function proceeds as:
State ← plaintext
for i = 1, 2, ..., h-1:
State ← State ⊕ ki-1
State ← SubBytes(State)
State ← ShiftRows(State)
State ← MixColumns(State)
State ← State ⊕ kh-1
State ← SubBytes(State)
State ← ShiftRows(State)
State ← State ⊕ kh
ciphertext ← State
Note: In the final round, MixColumns is not applied and XORed with kh (key whitening).
AES Key Schedule (for 128-bit keys)
For 128-bit keys, AES has ten rounds, so we need eleven subkeys (last one for key whitening).
Each ki is a 32-bit word
Each group of 4 ki's forms a 128-bit subkey.
The first round subkey (k0, k1, k2, k3) equals the actual AES key.
The function fi:{0,1}32→ {0,1}32 are defined as follow:
Left Shift the input cyclically by 8 bits. (RotWord)
Apply the AES S-box to each byte. (SubWord)
Bitwise XOR the left-most byte with a constant (Rcon) which varies by round accodring to the following table:
Data Encryption Standard
The Data Encryption Standard (DES) is a symmetric-key block cipher published by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). DES was widely used in the 1970s and 1980s but has since been replaced by more secure algorithms like AES due to its shorter key length and vulnerability to brute-force attacks.
Structure of DES
Block cipher with 64-bit blocks, 56-bit key and 16 rounds:
Plaintext (64 bits)
→ Initial Permutation
→ Feistel Network (16 rounds) with 56-bit key from Key Schedule
→ Inverse of Initial Permutation
→ Ciphertext (64 bits)
Feistel Network
Components of a Feistel Cipher
Parameters: n (half the block length), h (# of rounds), l (key size)
C = M = {0,1}2n, K = {0,1}l
Key scheduling algorithm to determine subkeys from given key.
Each subkey defines a component function Fi: {0,1}l x {0,1}n → {0,1}n
Design of the Feistel Network
Plaintext is divided into two halves (LE0, RE0)
Key is used to generate subkeys k1,k2,...,kh.
F is a component function whose output is depending on REi and ki.
E:{0,1}32 → {0,1}48 is an expansion table where it takes 32-bit block (mi) and returns 48-bit word.
The S-box S:{0,1}6 → {0,1}4 takes 6-bit word and returns 4-bit word.
The permutation P:{0,1}32 → {0,1}32 is then applied at the end and returns the output F(mi).
DES S-box
S-boxes are only non-linear component in DES.
Without S-box, changing one plaintext bit would change very few ciphertext bits.
Security of DES crucially depends on their choice.
DES with randomly selected S-boxes is easy to break.
Problems in DES
1. Small key size
Exclusive key search: 256
2. Small block size
If plaintext blocks are distributed "uniformly at random", then the expected number of ciphertext blocks observed before a collision occurs is about 232 (by Birthday paradox)
Small block length is also damaging to some authentication applications.
Attacks on DES
Differential Cryptanalysis [Biham & Shamir 1989]:
Recovers key given 247 chosen plaintext/ciphertext pairs.
DES was designed to resist this attack
Differential cryptanalysis has been more efficient on some other block ciphers.
Linear Cryptanalysis [Matsui 1993]:
Recovers key given 243 chosen plaintext/ciphertext pairs.
Storing these key pairs takes 131,000 GB.
Implemented in 1993: 10 days on 12 machines.
Improved DES
1. Mitigating Short Keys: encrypt multiple times
Multiple Encryption:
Re-encrypt the ciphertext one or more times using independent keys, and hope that this increases the effective key length.
Multiple encryption does not always increase security.
Think of Eπ the simple substitution cipher with key π and consider Eπ1 ∘ Eπ2.
2. Double Encryption (Double-DES)
Double-DES; key k = (k1, k2) for k1, k2 ∈ {0,1}56
Encryption: c = Ek2(Ek1(m))
Decryption: m = Ek1-1(Ek2-1(c))
Key size l = 112
Block length is unchanged.
2.1 Attack on Double-DES (Main Idea: If c = Ek2(Ek1(m)), then Ek2-1(c) = Ek1(m))
Given: konwn plaintext/ciphertext pairs (mi, ci) for i = 1, 2, ...
For each h2 ∈ {0,1}56:
Compute Eh2-1(c) and store [Eh2-1(c), h2] in a table.
For each h1 ∈ {0,1}56:
Compute Eh1(m1)
Search for Eh1(m1) in the table.
If Eh1(m1) = Eh2-1(c):
Check Eh1(mi) = Eh2-1(ci) for all i ≥ 2.
The complexity is about 257 ≈ 256 + 256 + 2·248.
Space requirements: 256(64+56) bits ≈ 1,080,863 Tbytes.
3. Triple-DES
Triple-DES; key k = (k1, k2) for k1, k2 ∈ {0,1}56
Encryption: c = Ek3(Ek2(Ek1(m))
Decryption: m = Ek1-1(Ek2-1(Ek3-1(c))
Key size l = 168
3.1 Notes on Triple-DES
MITM attack takes about 2112 operations.
Hence the effective key length against key search is ≤ 112 bits.
No proof that Triple-DES is more secure than DES.
Block length is still 64 bits, and now forms the weak link:
Adversary stores a large table (of size ≤ 264) of (m, c) pairs. (Dictionary Attack)
To prevent this attack, change secret keys frequently.
Triple-DES is widely deployted today.
Some variants of Triple-DES includes: EDE Triple-DES, Two-key (EDE) Triple-DES, etc.